POSITION TITLE: Legal Counsel LOCATION: Beijing, PRC DEPARTMENT: Legal Department REPORTS TO: Regional Counsel. Provides service to various business divisions in China JOB PURPOSE : This position will bear primary responsibility for providing legal counsel and advice to the company in a wide spectrum of disciplines, including long term high value sales contracts, procurement contracts, corporate, litigation and dispute resolution, intellectual property matters, health, safety and environment, employment, compliance and advice on local law and regulations.
1. Advices on contracts including contract draft, review, negotiation, advice etc., especially sales contracts, procurement contracts, consortium agreements and agency agreements
2. Reviews, evaluates and comments on legal obligations of the company, and advises the appropriate divisions how to minimize the degree of legal risk associated with major contracts and obligations prior to becoming a party or otherwise becoming legally bound. Identifies potential legal risks of the company, offer solutions to mitigate or eliminate those risk and ensure senior management are aware and accept residual risks.
3. Review of sales and purchase contracts involving any real estate and review of real estate lease contracts.
4. Provide support to protection of Andritz intellectual Property, including patents, trademarks and trade secrets.
5. Manage (i) legal actions against third parties, (ii) adverse regulatory or governmental actions and (iii) defense of the company again claims made by third parties.
6. Support the China Compliance Officer in training and advice relating to various Andritz compliance policies, including the Andritz Code of Conduct, anti-trust and anti-bribery policies.
7. Provide support to merger and acquisition activity in China as needed. 5. Keeps the business team informed on legislation and regulations and other important legal matters both local and global and any legal developments that could impact the company’s business.
CANDIDATE PROFILE: - A strong grounding in and exposure to the practice of law and the legal environment in China. Demonstrated business-minded orientation. He / She will strive for creative solutions to resolve complex legal situations and avoid unnecessary and unjustified legal risk. He / She will be able to multi-task with relevant demonstrated hands-on experience and be a self-starter with high energy level and excellent interpersonal skills. The candidate must be able to take business and common sense into consideration when giving legal advice and should be able to defend and maintain his / her advice upon challenged. Overall, the successful candidate will bring a balance of strong corporate legal experience and excellent interpersonal skills to work closely as a business partner with senior management.
EXPERIENCE & REQUIREMENTS: More than 8 years of post-qualification legal practice, preferably with both a reputable law firm and/or a multinational company. Exposure to machinery manufacturing industry would be a definitely advantage. Possesses a post-graduate law degree, preferably from an accredited US/European law school. Bar admission in PRC and/or other jurisdictions Very good knowledge of Chinese business laws in particular in contract, commercial and corporate laws. Knowledge of western legal analysis and paradigms are required. Unquestionable integrity and high ethical standards. Excellent analytical, presentation, consulting, negotiation, networking and communication abilities and skills. Dynamic, initiative, innovative and solution-oriented. Cross cultural, fluent both English and Chinese (Mandarin) with strong written proficiency in drafting legal doc
安德里茨(中国)有限公司于2002年2月9日在广东省佛山市注册成立,注册资本为2,094万欧元,是隶属于奥地利安德里兹集团的外商独资公司。公司的生产制造基地主要位于佛山市禅城城西工业区, 三水乐平工业区和成都青白江区工业区,并在北京、上海、杭州等地设有办事处,目前员工人数达1500多人。公司主要生产和销售机械类产品,经营范围涉及开发、生产和销售环境与加工技术与设备,动物饲料和水产饲料生产技术与设备,造纸技术与设备,钢铁处理技术,供水、供电和化工等行业的水利设备,自动控制系统、设备和组件以及提供相关产品的服务。公司自成立以来营业额保持每年快速增长,到2010年已突破30亿元人民币。
安德里茨集团属于上市的跨国集团公司, 总部在奥地利格拉兹, 安德里茨中国总部设在广东佛山, 集团总部从欧洲派了众多的高管和高级技术专家在佛山公司工作,以保证欧洲总部的先进技术和先进的管理理念在中国的公司得到延续 ,欧洲式的人性化管理模式为全体员工提供了团结互助、和睦相处的人性化工作氛围,以及浓厚的知识技术氛围。只要您愿意付出辛勤努力的工作, 愿意贡献您的聪明才智, 您就能在安德里茨找到自己的平台, 与公司共同享受成长和成功的快乐. 由于公司不断扩大生产经营规模,现诚邀业内精英加盟与公司一起持续发展,共创辉煌。