- Provide support and counsel to the KTF and KRP division concerning the sales and marketing area.
- Directs through sales engineers or district sales engineers or through representatives and trough the Andritz channel the sales efforts of the company
- Actively engages himself in the planning, marketing, promoting and direct selling activities.
- Directs and plans and carries out educational activities for outside sales persons and customer including sales meeting, seminars and product training.
- Directs and plans the departmental budget as well as the company’s participation in the trade shows and industry schools.
- Develops business strategies together with other members of the team for key accounts to assure awareness of opportunities, trends, competitive and realize the order intake.
- Observes and report periodically about all major competitor movements - Periodically reports about the critical functions and results as well as expectations - Carries out direct face to face sales representations and closing negotiations with customers - Take all actions to serve the customer’s needs in the possible way that the company can.
- Participate activity in all strategic planning activities regarding sales and marketing efforts of the company - Develops the annual sales and booking forecast - Develops a program to achieve maximum market penetration and sales volume and geographical coverage.
- Control receivables in close cooperation with the sales team. Competence
Knowledge and Skill: - Bachelor degree on pulp mill technologies or energy technology - Thermal calculation, chemical engineering Language: - Chinese, English Experience Requirements: - Pulp mill or sales experience 2-5 years Computer skill: - Office software Others: - Flexibility to travel Ability: Goal oriented Decision making Active learning Team incentive Innovation Personal Characteristic: Responsibility Honest Quick-witted Confidence
安德里茨(中国)有限公司于2002年2月9日在广东省佛山市注册成立,注册资本为2,094万欧元,是隶属于奥地利安德里兹集团的外商独资公司。公司的生产制造基地主要位于佛山市禅城城西工业区, 三水乐平工业区和成都青白江区工业区,并在北京、上海、杭州等地设有办事处,目前员工人数达1500多人。公司主要生产和销售机械类产品,经营范围涉及开发、生产和销售环境与加工技术与设备,动物饲料和水产饲料生产技术与设备,造纸技术与设备,钢铁处理技术,供水、供电和化工等行业的水利设备,自动控制系统、设备和组件以及提供相关产品的服务。公司自成立以来营业额保持每年快速增长,到2010年已突破30亿元人民币。
安德里茨集团属于上市的跨国集团公司, 总部在奥地利格拉兹, 安德里茨中国总部设在广东佛山, 集团总部从欧洲派了众多的高管和高级技术专家在佛山公司工作,以保证欧洲总部的先进技术和先进的管理理念在中国的公司得到延续 ,欧洲式的人性化管理模式为全体员工提供了团结互助、和睦相处的人性化工作氛围,以及浓厚的知识技术氛围。只要您愿意付出辛勤努力的工作, 愿意贡献您的聪明才智, 您就能在安德里茨找到自己的平台, 与公司共同享受成长和成功的快乐. 由于公司不断扩大生产经营规模,现诚邀业内精英加盟与公司一起持续发展,共创辉煌。
职位名称 | 公司名称 | 招聘人数 | 工作地区 | 学历要求 | 性别 | 更新日期 | |
销售经理 | 沈阳圣泰机电设备有限公司 | 5人 | 辽宁沈阳市 | 中专 | 不限 | 2024-09-29 | |
文化石销售经理(专职) | 沈阳圣泰机电设备有限公司 | 5人 | 辽宁沈阳市 | 中专 | 不限 | 2024-09-29 | |
立体车库销售经理 | 沈阳圣泰机电设备有限公司 | 5人 | 辽宁沈阳市 | 中专 | 不限 | 2024-09-29 | |
销售经理 | 绍兴西奥电梯工程有限公司 | 若干人 | 浙江绍兴市诸暨市,浙江绍兴市上虞市 | 大专 | 不限 | 2024-09-29 | |
销售经理 | 浙江威尔金森电梯有限公司 | 10人 | 贵州省贵阳市 | 不限 | 不限 | 2024-09-29 |